Bolt, who is our doggy ice cream tester and happiest canine around, had a seizure. The seizures rapidly increased and he was brought to Dove Lewis ED and admitted on the first time for new onset seizures. He stayed 2 nights and sent home on phenobarb and keppra. Unfortunately the seizures reoccurred and he was readmitted for higher dose medications in addition to Versed and Clorazepate. He was also on steroids for suspected autoimmune meningitis.
Thinking the end was near, we were devastated but Bolt defied the odds and bounced back for another day to chase his ball. He was a little off but quickly gained his balance, he saw the canine neurologist and he is decreasing the steroids. He continues on high dose phenobarb and keppra but he is giving us one more day to enjoy watching him catch a ball, snuggle with a cat and lay on ones feet.
Bolt is the reason we do what we do. We know the joys of simple things, a kind word, a nice gesture or a frozen treat. Pretty simple stuff. We keep wishing bolt the best and we will keep delivering ice cream and smiles.

As of June 8th, no more seizures and able to decrease prednisone to 10 mg once a day down from 30 mg/day with much less side effects. Still on Keppra and Phenobarb but seems happy, chases ball but now carries ball with him. Also has runny poop. Seems in good spirits however.

Now it is June 30th, and has been about 2 months since the first seizure. We are now off the prednisone and receiving keppa 750 mg tid and phenobarb 48 mg bid. He is getting sneaky and eats the treat and spits out the medicine. Only 1 seizure since and seems to be acting well, a bit more tired, but still chasing the ball, eating the mail and having lots of snacks. Every day is one more to smile that little bolt is still with us.
It is now Thanksgiving and Bolt continues to have seizures, sometimes 1 every few days, sometimes 1 every 2 weeks. Currently is on Keppra 1500 mg bid and Phenobarb 50 mg bid. For more than 1 seizure in 24 hours, receives an extra 500 of keppra for another gets chlorazepate. Seizures are short, maybe 30 seconds, comes out pretty quick and is followed by the doggy neurologist. Still chasing the ball, snuggling with all, loves his treats and overall a great dog. We take every day as it comes.

Well, it is now 2024, Bolt was a great Turkey for November. He is still in North Carolina helping mom take care of mom and he remains on 2 seizure meds but unfortunately was having 8 seizures per month thus was started on Zonisamide (in addition to Keppra and phenobarb) . The seizures improved however in April his blood test was positive for LYME disease and he had a limp. He was started on an antibiotic and doggy motrin and seems to be doing better, able to walk 5 miles and only 1-2 seizures per month. Of note the 2 tabs of zonisamide made him really sleepy so we are using 1 tab twice a day. here are some recent pics.sleepy after seizure meds, on way to vet.